Monday, October 7, 2019

Public Service Announcement:

This is not shave related but this is a public service announcement. For some reason, people seem bent on trying to steal other people's money and financial information more than normal. This same group tried to go after me for a debt that NEVER EXISTED. This same group is now trying to go after my mom and it's already failed and blew up in their faces. They are claiming to be collecting for Lehman Brothers. There's several problems with this and then some. Lehman Brothers was a bank that switched from your standard banking to mortgages. They filed chapter 11 bankruptcy in early 2008 and was gone by November 20, 2008 right after Obama got elected. And thankfully he's long gone and has been gone for nearly 4 years now. With that being said, how can you collect for a company that's been gone for 11 years? Problem number 2. Mom never had a mortgage with Lehman Brothers and could not and would not get one because she was with in an eyelash of paying the one she had paid off. In fact, she paid hers off in early 2005. Once you pay something like a mortgage you have NO DESIRE to have another mortgage in your life period. See below for more information and how this was impossible: 

The impossible part is due to Lehman Brother's locations. They NEVER had any location in Virginia ladies and gentlemen. In fact the nearest one if you can call it that was in Montgomery, Alabama and that is an extremely long way from us period. It's a 7 hour drive one way from us. Now why would my mom who is about pay off her mortgage drive 14+ hours round trip to take out a second mortgage? It did not happen. This same group also tried to pull the online banking reference and said this happened in 2004. We did NOT have Internet services until 2006 and we only had it briefly because I was working a full time job and did not need it and I never had enough time to use it. Plus online banking didn't really take off until much later and only a handful of banks had that capability in 2004. So that shot that idea down in a big way. Kindly hard to apply for an online mortgage when you didn't even have Internet services in 2004 and didn't get them until many years later isn't it? There's also more things that threw up even more red flags.

They tried to mention having our I.D. on record. That also failed. The state of Virginia now has their both their driver's licenses and state photo I.D. special ordered due to extra security features such as holographic photos and anti theft features. Plus there's talk that even more will be added here pretty soon, possibly later on this month. So unless we walk in somewhere and present our driver's licenses, there's NO WAY they could have our photo I.D. on their records. Once again, another futile attempt to steal information.

Another problem that they did not take into account is the fact that we monitor our credit and the credit card companies do call us when there's an issue in a heart beat. I got issued a brand new card because of Tiki Bar Soaps. Their website was not secure and my credit card company sent me a new credit card and locked the other one. They called and told me this after mailing it to me. So I know what's on my credit report along with mom's. They are simply stupid crooks. With all of the anti theft features and precautions that we take and that our state also takes in addition to the banks calling and alerting us, this all but proves a fraud case. If they continue to call and harass us, I will be calling the police and pressing fraud charges big time.

They also kept changing their location on the caller I.D. shown above. You would figure crooks would be much smarter than that but they are not. So please take a moment to keep an eye on things ladies and gentlemen. This ends my public service announcement.

I'm In A Good Place:

First, let me take a moment to say thank you for all the prayers and well wishes during this difficult time. I also want to take a moment to...