Friday, October 5, 2018

Leaf Razor Ordered!

Finally, I have ordered the Leaf razor. As many of you know, I have been wanting this razor for quite a while now and a few friends did mention me in some YouTube videos that I should really look into investing in one of these razors and I did. Unfortunately I was not able to get the exact finish I wanted which was the new Matte Silver finish they have recently added so I had to go with my second choice which was black. Right now that's the only finish they have in stock:

The cost was pretty expensive being $82 U.S. Dollars shipped but considering the design and the great reviews it gets, I think it's totally worth the investment. And unlike the One Blade and One Blade Core, I have numerous blade choices available:

I can use just one half of a DE blade and move it from one slot to another to change my shaving experience or go ahead and load three halves for an even closer shave. You can also purchase factory split DE blades for as low as $6.00 U.S. Dollars for 100 blades which is almost nothing. So I am totally excited about this and it's been in the works for a while now. I will do a detailed YouTube video on it and don't be surprised if you see it in every shave video that do once it arrives. Now I am off to purchase a DE blade sampler pack as do I do with ANY DE razor.

I'm In A Good Place:

First, let me take a moment to say thank you for all the prayers and well wishes during this difficult time. I also want to take a moment to...