This Christmas gift is awesome and was needed very badly. After 6+ years of abuse and an untold number photos taken, my old camera has seen its better days. My mom has surprised me this Christmas with a brand new Nikon B500 digital camera with built in wifi and I downloaded an app that syncs the camera with my smartphone which is pretty simple and easy to operate:
Since it is Christmas and me being a Christian, I thought it was best to take the 1st picture of the Nativity Scene which is the true meaning behind Christmas:
The Wifi & the app are awesome and make transferring pictures very easy. I now only have to take 1 photo or series of photos and can upload them to all forms of social media apart from this blog. I also just turned on the date stamp so that people can tell when the photo was taken. I also don't have to set the date & time because my smartphone does it automatically which is awesome:
Here's how I transferred my pictures directly from the camera to this blog. I have really missed doing this. My old camera use to be able to do this but for some reason, it no longer is able to do that and has been that way for nearly 3 years. Now I can simply turn on the camera and transfer my pictures to this blog. Before I was having to remove the memory card to upload them before:
This is my old digital camera which has seen 6+ years of abuse:

^ As you can the bottom plate is broken and I was having to hold it closed for the camera to even work. Transferring photos became a hassle. I had to remove the memory card for any and all uploads. The transfer cable quit working. And since the bottom plate no longer stays shut, I've been having to reset the date & time in the camera before each use. Plus this old camera didn't have wifi built in either which does make a huge difference. I've got my new one set to the VGA setting which allows the camera to take 9999 pictures on this specific setting with my 16 gig memory card. This goes down to 1604 photos on the 16 mm setting. Another feature that I really love is the fact that I can now turn the flash on full time instead of just off or on auto which made for interesting situations when photos didn't turn out good at all. I was having to take at least 4 if not more photos just to get one decent photo for mail calls & shave of the day photos. Getting some photos of a honing session was extremely difficult to the point where I had to stop taking photos of my progression and eventually I got to where I decided not to do honing posts as a result. So being able to leave the flash on full time instead of just having an auto setting is a huge help. Another thing I've noticed about new camera is the fact that it's 5 times faster than my old one shown above. Boom and it's done while my old one would take about a minute or longer to take a photo.