Today is a special day. 2 months ago Soap Commander shut down their website due to a tragic accident that their son Luke Seibert was in. Today they have reopened their website and to celebrate them reopening, the Dirty South Shavers face book group created an event. I took Gusto which was their 2015 summer scent which was a really strong raspberry pink lemonade scent and since I didn't get the matching aftershave, I paired it with their unscented mentholated integrity aftershave balm which has an incredible cooling effect:
The extra wide Gold Dollar 66 is becoming my favorite razor each time I use it. I got another "ice rink" type of post shave with today. It seems like the wider the blade the more forgiving it is. It also seems more comfortable and easier to use as well. I'm still sending prayers for Luke to have a full recovery and to the entire Seibert family.