Well I've hit the bottom on yet another soap this morning. The average time for me to go through a Soap Commander hard puck is 2 years. This was my 2nd Soap Commander soap and aftershave that I bought 2 years ago. The first one I bought and finished off was Endurance which is a vintage Old Spice scent and thankfully, I can still get that soap. Unfortunately, I can NOT this one again because it was discontinued last year so once it's gone, it's gone and the empty container will go into my cold storage. I'm not really a fan of bay rum scented stuff at all, but I loved this one which should tell you how good it was. I say the next Soap Commander I hit the bottom of will more than likely be my Vision which is also part of their core line up:
If I keep hitting the bottom and going through as much soap like I have been, the artisans will be extremely happy with me when I go to order more soaps. Artisan soaps is all that I use. The next soap I finish off will be my 19th soap which I've done just this year alone.