Today's shave was great. Tiki Bar was on my mind today so I grabbed their "The Captain" scented soap which is a cherry pipe tobacco scent that smells like the kind I use to smoke back in the day (quit smoking 4 years ago this past April). And since I don't have the matching aftershave, I paired it with good old Clubman and I also paired it with PAA's Clubguy aftershave balm:
The post shave feel I have is great. I got a very nice squeaky clean shave this morning which is always an enjoyable experience. Unfortunately I'm just now getting it posted because I had to call the local hospital's billing department which went decent. They tried to claim that they called but didn't quite like it when I stated otherwise. So they're sending me an itemized list of the charges and they are going to talk to their Medicaid representative on why I was billed for that time when I had full Medicaid coverage. But I did learn that there has been NO CHARGES AFTER 2013. So Medicaid and Medicare has been paying my bill for the past 3 years as of May of 2013. But the local hospital did wash their hands of the situation basically due to the fact that they submitted those bills to the collection agency whom has failed to contact me at every level. So the online dispute that I filed will be continued to be submitted. I went on partial Medicaid once my Medicare benefits kicked in which occurs after you've been on disability for 2 years.